Sunday, 29 September 2019
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(Warning: Q13Fox is one of those news stations that needs to hire a new editor. Preferably one who passed the second grade. English majors click at own risk.). Several other German women, unable to gain admittance to German universities, also went to the University of Zurich to continue their education. In 1909, German universities finally allowed women to gain admittance but women graduates were unable to practice their profession, as they were "barred from private practice and public administrative posts for lawyers". The first women's legal aid agency was established by Marie Stritt in 1894; by 1914, there were 97 such legal aid agencies, some employing women law graduates.
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Sunday, 14 July 2019
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Plenty of scholars and religious leaders agree, Judeo Christian and otherwise, that masturbation is not a sin, for those whose religions include the concept of sin (and many do not). There is really nothing concrete in the Bible to support this idea; it does not say masturbation is a sin in anything but a very vague sense that is highly open to interpretation. In addition, in very few religions and traditions is it considered any sort of problem at all.
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Friday, 17 May 2019
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"While most drugs that interact with birth control pills tend to decrease pill effectiveness, be aware that vitamin C has the opposite effect. This is interesting to note because many people take "megadoses" of vitamin C when they have a cold, or feel an illness coming on. Taking one gram (1000 milligrams) of vitamin C a day will increase the amount of ethinyl estradiol (an estrogen absorbed by the digestive system) by 50 percent.
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For her part, Liu loves to connect with readers like this, and she hopes her work continues to inspire others like her to write. "To all the young kids of color and not so young," she says, "people who want to use their voices, who are thinking 'this seems difficult because I don't see myself out there,' I tell you: You must be persistent because we need you. We need you so, so badly.".
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It was all going so well.I'd been on the pills for about six months when things started going haywire.You can always get what you wantBecause I'd been hypersexual and hyperorgasmic for as long as I'd been sexually active, and because it had been a source of contention in my relationship, I assumed that Paxil's sexual side effects were a good thing. Simply said, I lost my mojo and I started having less orgasms. It wasn't that I didn't want to be close to my boyfriend, it was that I didn't feel the need to constantly prove affection by having sex; it wasn't that I wasn't coming, I could just make it through sex without multiple orgasms for the first time in three years.Because I quickly grew so comfortable being a less sexual person, soon, we weren't doing it as often as we had been.
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Why do you need to know if they caught him? I can see if he was at large. Just be glad he is caught and will be going to jail. That is what is important. When you love and are loved, you will likely always feel something about yourself has become better, larger, deeper and more enlightened. When you love and are loved, you feel profound concern for the person you love and want to do what you can to love them well. And when you love and are loved, because it will likely always be something with some measure of elusiveness to all of us, you may well always have some part of yourself that's never quite sure if it's "real" love or not..
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